Adopt an Animal sponsors ‘Meet the Animals’

Our animal adopters were recently invited to ‘Meet the animals’ as part of their adoption package.
We invite all adopters twice a year to spend some time meeting all of the animals. Mark Scopes, our animals expert, shared his knowledge and expertise throughout the tour and answered all our visitors questions.
A house of students came to find the duck they had adopted with their printed picture and enjoyed time taking photos and feeding the ducks and hens. It was perfect timing for them as final exams had finished the week before. Visiting the farm was a great way to unwind.
Our pony adopters spent some time grooming our Shetland ponies as we learned about how the farm manages how much these animals feed.
It was great to enter the field with the goats. Sitting calmly on the on the rubber tyres the goats enjoyed meeting the visitors with their handfuls of food.
Then it was our turn to feed our guests with tea and cake to finish a lovely afternoon.

If you would like to adopt an animal and be part of the next event planned for September then have a look at our ‘Adopt an animal’ page – under Get involved on the website. We always thank our adopters as they contribute towards the vital running costs of the farm, keeping our animals in feed and helping with vets bills.

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