Shop Terms and Conditions

Below are the terms and conditions for the Bath City Farm online shop

We will try to fulfil all orders; however, some products may be subject to availability. 


Collections are available Tuesday to Friday from the Roots to Work Cafe at Bath City Farm. No charge. The times the Roots to Work Cafe is open are Tuesdays 9 am to 3 pm, and Wednesdays to Fridays 9 am to 4 pm. 


If you are unhappy with your product please return it to us and we will refund your money. For food products we will respond on an individual basis. Please contact us on

Bath City Farm reserve the right to amend any of these Terms and Conditions and any produce and service prices at any time, but any orders received will be subject to the Terms and Conditions and prices in place at the time of the customer order.  

If you have any questions please do contact us at