Farm news

Spring time is often our busiest time here at Bath City Farm; new animals being born, everything in bloom, and lots of visitors coming to enjoy everything our unique site has to offer.

Due to the events of the last few weeks, the farm gates remain closed to all visitors. While our reduced team is working hard to care for the animals, speak with people who use our services and run a meals-on-wheels program, the farm isn’t quite the same without the buzz that our wonderfully supportive visitors bring.

We have been very busy on social media, live-streaming every Saturday at 11AM via our Facebook page to keep everyone updated with the animals, and have been sharing frequent videos and photos to brighten people’s day in some way during this difficult time.

It seemed like a good idea to update the blog to share with our supporters what’s been going on here at Bath City Farm since we had to close our doors…

1. Bloomin’ marvellous plants!

Our flowerbeds and produce patches are beginning to spring to life, and are a testament to the hard work that our staff and volunteers have put in over the last few months. Sadly our Spring Plant Sale was unable to go ahead, but we look forward to being able to hold one when it is advisable to do so, as we know many friends of the farm have been busy in their gardens during this time too!

2. Meals-on-Wheels

Through support from the The Quartet Community FoundationWessex Water, a team of determined local volunteers and donations from the public, we have been able to deliver healthy prepared meals on a twice-weekly basis to people in the community who are in need of support to access healthy cooked meals.

This project has been a completely new challenge for us, but we have had so much support from organisations such as SouthsideTimebank, 3SG Compassionate Communities Hub and many more, who have connected us to people beyond our own service users who may need support at the moment.

If you would like more information about this service, please email

3. New arrivals

In the last few weeks we have seen the arrival of 6 chicks and 3 goat kids!

The chicks names are Bubble, Squeak, Daffodil, Tulip, Sunny and Hercules. They were hatched in an incubator at Farm Manager Helen Fisher’s home, and she will be caring for them until they’re old enough to join our flock at the farm.

These two goats were born on Tuesday 12th May to mum Bettina. The boy (right) is called Spike, and the girl (left) is called Oreo.

This little girl was born on Friday 15th May to mum Daisy. She doesn’t have a name yet, and so we’re going to be running a competition very soon, so you’ll be able to help us with your name ideas!


We hope that all of our farm friends are staying safe and well. We look forward to the day when we are able to welcome visitors back to the farm. We will update everyone as soon as the situation changes. In the meantime, we want to thank everyone for the wonderful support we have received over the last few weeks.  By donating, sharing posts, tuning into the live-stream or simply spreading the word about the farm, you are helping us to keep going as an organisation. 

Thank you from everyone at Bath City Farm.

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